Academic literacy in higher education: the case of State University of Sonora




This paper explores and analyzes the academic writing practices of a group of students from the State University of Sonora (Mexico), mediated by the digital resources available to them at the time of writing their academic texts. One of the variables considered was the support for the construction of texts provided by their professors throughout their university courses. An online questionnaire of eleven multiple-choice and nine open-ended questions was applied to the subjects, whose participation was voluntary. The data were analyzed with the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program. Among our results we found that the students have deficiencies in their writing skills, which together with deficiencies in the proper management of digital resources and little support from teachers make for poor academic literacy not in accordance with the requirements and level that students who have completed at least half of their university studies should have.


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Author Biographies

Nadia Denise Hernández y Hernández, Universidad Veracruzana

Doctora en Comunicación Lingüística y Mediación Multilingüe. Líneas de investigación: literacidad académica y vernácula, prácticas letradas digitales, educación y tecnologías digitales. Universidad Veracruzana. México.

Lilián Ivetthe Salado Rodríguez, Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Líneas de investigación: uso de tecnología en la educación superior, brecha digital, política educativa. Universidad Estatal de Sonora. México.

Alfonso Vargas Franco, Universidad del Valle

Doctor en Comunicación Lingüística y Mediación Multilingüe. Líneas de investigación: lectura crítica, literacidad académica, literacidades digitales y multimodalidad. Universidad del Valle. Colombia.

