Publication in confined environments: meanings and questions about in-prison publishing




Editorial practice as the work of promoting the voices of others acquires a particular meaning in confined environments, where people are silenced and narrated about through discourses from others, especially the press and the punitive system that condemns them. In this context, proposing instances of production and publication of the inmates’ own discourse allows for spaces for reflection and action around the enunciating and subjective position disputed by the meanings imposed from the outside. Based on the experience developed by the Taller Colectivo de Edición (Collective Editing Workshop) in federal prisons in Argentina for over ten years, we propose some guidelines that guide our work as part of a political-pedagogical project as we raise a number  of questions regarding aspects of the intramural publishing practice.


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Author Biography

Maria José Rubin, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciada en Crítica de Artes. Editora y doctorante en Letras, Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Docente e investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de las Artes y Universidad de Buenos Aires. Integrante del Programa de Extensión en Cárceles. Coordinadora del Taller Colectivo de Edición. Miembro del comité organizador del Encuentro Nacional de Escritura en la Cárcel. Líneas de investigación: procesos editoriales en contextos de encierro y la constitución de colectivos editores en el marco de prácticas de extensión universitaria. Argentina.

