Professional ethics of upper secondary school teachers: the students’ perspective




Our objective in this paper is to analyze some teachers’ unethical behaviors, based on the opinion of a group of students from upper secondary education. Our theoretical perspective is that of the professional teaching ethics; specifically, we distinguish between ethically questionable behaviors and ethically unacceptable ones. The research was of a qualitative type, and for our empirical work we used a focus group strategy in three schools of different educational modalities in Mexico City, one of them a general high school and the other two college-oriented high schools. 

Based on the information gathered through the focus groups, we identified five ethically questionable behaviors of teachers: the use of outdated teaching methods, poor dialogue skills, lack of interest in students’ learning, imposition of topics for written assignments, and disregard towards situations involving violence. As for the ethically unacceptable behavior, the students pointed to sexual harassment and discriminatory attitudes on the grounds of their economic status and/or physical appearance.


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Author Biographies

Judith Pérez-Castro, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctora en Ciencia Social. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel 2. Investigadora titular “A”. Líneas de investigación: equidad e inclusión educativa, ética y valores profesionales, políticas educativas en la educación superior. Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación (IISUE)-UNAM. México.

Juan Manuel Piña Osorio, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor en Pedagogía. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel 2. Investigador titular “C”. Líneas de investigación: teoría de las representaciones sociales en educación y ciudadanía en estudiantes de educación superior. Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación (IISUE)-UNAM. México.

